Compose Your Vision

Express Your Voice

Develop Your Brand

Craft Your Story

Discover Your Potential

It all begins with a spark. Whether you’re writing a book, starting a business, servicing your skills, attracting clients, or turning a hobby into something more, you have a creative project to share & a body of work to build. Whatever it is, how you tell the story makes all the difference in the world.

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Black Chalk Line
Black Chalk Line

Tell Your Story.

I’m Emma vanGrieken, a ​Multidimensional Freelance Creator based ​in Haldimand County, Ontario.

I specialize in writing, photography & ​brand design.

I help brand-based businesses compose a ​cohesive what, why & how to share their ​story & services with impact.

My work is simple & effective.

Email to ​book a free 60-minute creative consultation ​to connect.

We’ll discuss what’s working, what isn’t, & ​discover what’s right for you.

Black Chalk Line
Black Chalk Line
Black Chalk Line
Black Chalk Line

My Portfolio

Suite of Services

Black Chalk Line

Captivating Copy, Editing & Proofreading

Weave words that inspire, inform, and engage an audience into your brand through the power of storytelling. Perfect for websites, newsletters & social media messaging, branded graphics & sales pages.

Elevated Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words. Capture the essence of your business with images that leave an impact. Available to Haldimand, Hamilton & surrounding areas. Inquire with your location. Travel fees may apply.

Content Pillars & Story Coaching

Ever wonder why some businesses feel so powerful (I’m looking at you, Nike) & some just feel like they flop? This is the difference between how you tell the story of how what you’re doing came to be. We’ll establish clear content pillars & the story you’re here to share so that as you show up online, you’re always hammering home the same key points that convert.

Branded Graphics & Brand Building

The aesthetic appeal of your social presence can either enhance or hurt customer perception ​of your brand. Incorporate scroll-stopping graphics your audience will actually read.

Don’t quite have a brand yet? That’s okay! We’ll get you personalized colours, fonts, logos & ​a clear mission statement.

Creative Strategy

Let’s take your digital presence from “okay” to an A+. We’ll review your goals, discuss what’s working, what’s not, & find strategies to increase your efforts online in a way that translates to more engagement from your audience & a growing community overall.

The Perfect Package

Consciously Composed Services

Here’s How it Works.

Step 1: Discovery

Hop on your free 60 minute creative consultation call to discuss your goals, identify gaps & gather information.

Step 2: Proposal

After our initial consultation, I’ll put together a proposal contract based on your needs of what strategy I think will suit you best.

Step 3: Begin

Taking your needs into consideration, I’ll draft a proposal project contract ​that utilizes my full suite of services to create a suite of tools & content for ​you to use.

Your project will be customized to your specific needs. You’ll be left with an ​arsenal of creative tools & resources to use for your digital presence.

This offers you the flexibility to get what you need now, without having to ​pay thousands of dollars to keep somebody on your books.

My packages range from 1 - 3 mon​t​hs.


Develop a clear, voice, aesthetic, mission & messaging strategy. Incl​udes Elevated Visuals when possible (can be removed from the packa​g​e).

With Elevated Visuals: $​1300

Without Elevated Visuals: $​1​000


You have a clear brand & mission. Now you’re looking to hone in on​ how you’d like to serve your clients with ease & a streamlined funnel to b​ring them from “I’m a new audience member” to “Can I pay in fu​l​l?”

Composed Package: $​1​600

All projects incl​ude:

  • A Strategy Session after your discovery call to set goals & expectat​ions
  • A Confidence Call to review hal​fway
  • A Hand-Off Meeting to pass materials over & make sure you feel ​like you know how to implement our project into your brand-b​ased busin​ess.

Book a Consultation

Black Chalk Line

I do what I do best so that you can do what you do best.

Discover your storytelling potential & the magic of intentional messaging.

Welcome to the world of creativity and innovation. Let’s take a journey to build your brand's true essence, captivate your audience & compose a presence that is truly unforgettable.